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Health and safety

Contact numbers

We don’t often have to contact parents during school hours, but it is essential that we do have an up-to date contact number in case of emergencies.

Please make sure you give us your home/work number, and the number of a friend or neighbour who would be able to help. It is essential that if any contact number changes, the School is informed immediately.

Children’s welfare

In order to care for and educate your child effectively, it is vital that we are told of any important medical history concerning your child, for example, allergies, epilepsy, asthma, eczema, etc. We do not give medicines in School unless it is for a long-term illness such as asthma and eczema.

If your child has been absent from the Nursery due to illness, please inform the school by letter or telephone concerning the reason for the absence. Any long-term absences not accounted for under the exceptional leave circumstances will lead to a nursery child losing their place.

Kenmore Park Infant & Nursery School is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all children in school, including Kenmore Park Infant & Nursery School, following the Harrow Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures. The school will, in most circumstances, endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their child/ren. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with Children Services and/or the Police without parental knowledge (in accordance with child protection procedures). The school will, of course, always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents. The school’s child protection policy is available on request.