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Lettings policy


The Governing Body regards the school buildings and grounds as a community asset and will make every reasonable effort to maximise their use. However, the overriding aim of the Governing Body is to support the school in providing the safe and secure learning environment offering the best possible education for pupils and any letting of the premises to outside organisations will be considered with this in mind.  The school’s delegated budget (which is provided for the education of its pupils) will not be used to subsidise any lettings by community or commercial organisations.


Any lets should at no time compromise the safety and well-being of the staff and pupils.  Class/Year group bubbles must to maintained and not compromised by the use of classrooms or other space for the purpose of raising funds through the hire of the school premises.

Definition of a Letting

A letting may be defined as “any use of the school premises (buildings and grounds) by either a community group or a commercial organisation”. Priority will be given to community lettings. A letting must not interfere with the primary activity of the schools which is to provide a high standard of education for all its pupils.
Key Principles:

  • To ensure that lettings are not in conflict with the fundamental purpose of the schools.
  • Neither the hirer nor the participants nor the activities proposed will damage the reputation of the schools.
  • The purpose for which the premises are requested is suitable for educational premises. o The hirer has paid in full the fees for any previous lettings.
  • The schools will not incur any additional costs and may benefit financially from income derived from the hire of premises.
  • There are sufficient school site members available to be present at all times throughout the period of the hire.
  • The booking does not put undue workload on school site staff.
  • The applicant agrees to be bound by the Conditions of Use which are issued with the application form.
  • Where children are left in the care of adults who are not their parents/carers evidence of up to date safeguarding training with the name of the designated Leading adult provided, along with copies of their most up to date policies and procedures (copies to be provided to the school as part of registration documentation)

All lettings will be at the discretion of the Governing Body. A letting may be refused if that action is considered to be in the best interests of the schools.


The Governing Body is responsible for setting charges for the letting of the school premises. A charge will be levied which covers the following:

  • Cost of services (heating and lighting);
  • Cost of staffing (additional security, caretaking and cleaning) – including on-costs;
  • Cost of administration;
  • Cost of “wear and tear”;
  • Cost of use of school equipment (if applicable, with prior authorisation);
  • Profit element (if appropriate)
  • Cost of  Public Liability Insurance at 7% if buying into Local Authority.

The organisation hiring the premises will be informed in advance of the charge to be levied. The charges will be reviewed annually by the Governing Body, during the Summer Term if possible. The revised charges will be implemented from the beginning of the Autumn Term.

Proceeds from the hire of the schools will be shared equally between Kenmore Park Infant & Nursery School and Kenmore Park Junior School as will any costs e.g. Site Supervisors salary.


As part of the service level agreement between the schools and Harrow Council, it has been agreed that there is a fee for public liability insurance. For individuals and/or non profit making organisations, all out of hours use of premises which has been approved by the Governors is indemnified for public liability in the sum of £5,000,000. However a fee of 7% of the hire fee will be required as an insurance premium in addition to the rental, unless documented evidence can be provided by the hirer of alternative public liability insurance to a suitable level of indemnity. The insurance premiums resulting from lettings will be paid to Harrow Council as required.

Administrative Process

Organisations seeking to hire the school premises should approach the Lettings Administrator, who will identify their requirements and clarify the facilities available. The Letting Administrator will then liaise with the Headteachers.

When the Headteachers/Governing Body have given initial approval a Booking Form and a copy of the Conditions of Use will be sent to the hirer. The Booking Form should be completed giving full details of the letting and this and the signed Condition of Use should be returned to the school for formal approval. The Booking Form will be signed by the Headteachers and the Site Supervisor and a copy returned to the person applying to hire the premises together with an invoice for the cost of the letting, in accordance with the Governing Body’s current scale of charges. The hirer should be a named individual and the agreement should be in their name, giving their permanent private address.

All lettings fees which are received by the school will be paid into Kenmore Park Infant & Nursery School’s bank account, then 50% of the fees will be transferred by journal to Kenmore Park Junior School. This will offset the costs to both schools of services, staffing etc.