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ECO – Warriors

Each year our children have the opportunity to become a member of our Eco-Warrior Team. We hold elections across the year groups in Years 1 & 2 and select a maximum of 4 children per class to create a team of Eco-Warriors.

The Eco-Warriors meet regularly with Duty Bearers Mrs. Hirtopanu to discuss and make decisions about our school environment. We have been awarded the Eco-Schools Bronze Award and our aspiration is to become a Green Flag School. We are currently working on our action to become a Silver – Eco School.

Together, with the rest of the school we are developing our Eco Code.

  • Look after our school.
  • Keep fit and keep walking.
  • Don’t waste electricity– switch it off when you have finished.
  • Don’t waste water. Turn off the tap!
  • Always put litter in the bin.
  • Remember recycle what you can, re-use as much as you can and reduce what you waste.       

Ideas for action by Eco warriors.

  1. Get a swap group organised with local mums, at playgroup or school. Swap your outgrown clothes and toys for ones that are more appropriate for your child.
  2. Go green at school. Talk to your teacher about taking old household products into school to be used in art projects. Encourage them to buy recycled or sustainable stationery and give your kids recycled pencil cases and lunch boxes.
  3. Use the car less. Walk your children to school to give them some daily exercise and cut down on harmful carbon emissions. Use public transport as much as possible. What kid doesn’t love sitting at the front of a bus’s top deck?
  4. Teach kids about carbon emissions from household use by getting them to help load the washing machine or dishwasher fully before running it (or wash up by hand) and encourage them to turn off televisions, games consoles and computers.
  5. Save water by turning off the tap when cleaning teeth and by bathing together – up to a certain age, at least. Get them to turn off lights and close doors in winter to conserve energy.

The Eco Warriors are working with everyone in school towards keeping ourselves and our environment green and clean, and to make the world a better place in which to live.